Archive category: Conferences

  • Monocle Quality of Life Madrid

    Summary: Content: : Adam Moss: Editor of New York Magazine – Narrative Journalism and Storytelling that explore New York’s Sensibility on a Global Scale – Digital Changed the Reach – Used to Promote Stories – #metoo Movement #metoo – Cosby: The women – City Magazine changed into a Global Publication Javier Goyeneche Founder EcoAlf Exploring…

  • Transmediale 2019 What Moves You?

    Summary: Content: : How Machine Learning and askew Algorithms integrate with economy of war and humanitarianism. Structures of Feeling Transmediale 2019 Opening Creating Commons: Affects, Collectives, Aesthetics Notes Affects Ex-Machina: Unboxing Social Data Algorithms Transcription Youtube Archive Tactics for Radical Collaboration Workshop Notes / Minutes of Participation Reworking the Brain Transcription

  • 2nd Connected Learning Summit Orange County

    Summary: Content: : Amplifying Youth Voices Through Video Production Brokering Youth Pathways **ESports in the Classroom** FireSide Chat Activism Connected Learning Across Settings 2019 Proceedings of CLS Notes of Nodes in Connected Learning