Tourism Ideation
Summary: Content: :https://www.dropbox.com/s/kuij3pzf66m2wjw/tourist%20gaze.pdf?dl=0
Future Thinking
Summary: Content: : Calm Technology Impace of Technology on Attention and Media Consumption
Machine Learning [ Ai ]
Summary: Content: :https://www.dropbox.com/s/shnnfzon1g0guax/EMI%20NOTES%20ai100report10032016fnl_singles.pdf?dl=0
Design Thinking
Summary: Content: : The Customer Journey Millennials The Value of Experience Field Guide to Design Thinking Workshop IDEO The Perfect Brainstorm
The Future of Media
Summary: Content: : FCC TALK VR
Experience Design
Summary: Content: : 5 Senses Story Telling – Experience Touch Point Storytelling in Design Skunk Works Methodology
Q4 Pathfinder Day
Summary: Content: :https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z3TG0rrrFpYz2tFspkXyJdsRb961Zip9?usp=sharing
Leveraging Public Data (instagram)
Summary: Content: :instagram
Connected Learning
Summary: Content: : Japanese Explanation
Summary: Content: : Meeting the needs of Students with 2e Teaching Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Students A Phenomenological Exploration of Experiences for Gifted and Talented Adolescents